Saturday, October 29, 2011

Adoption is Redemption

"Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters,
and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do."
Philippians 3:17

Adoption is Redemption!

As I have shared before, I follow this blog called

A Place Called Simplicity.

One of the most amazing, encouraging, uplifting, inspirational, remarkable and noteworthy blogs about Adoption and Christian living I believe it out there.

This family is the absolute example of denying yourself and pursuing the calling of loving the orphan and sharing the Gospel in the most raw, vulnerable and honest exhibits of simply loving Jesus!

I love this blog!

The most breathtaking story of redemption is now (Lord willing) closing it’s first chapter of adoption. I am sharing this with you because I believe, that not only is adoption God’s heart but the LOVE He provides for His people when they obey His voice, it purely astonishing.

I love to watch the craftsmanship of Christ!

What He can do to a person, village or country when He has hearts of submission is unfathomable. 

Here is the link to one of the most beautiful adoption stories I believe ever told.
It starts here, The Story Begins
And the most recent is here: Being a Mama Again 

My heart melts with ecstasy and delight when I read stories of redemption like this one. This precious little baby girl was dying in the corner of her crib when one of God’s children saw her, loved her and had compassion on her as only God’s children can. Today this little child is becoming stronger, being fed, blanketed with warmth and showered with LOVE! With undeniable LOVE! Praise Jesus!

We have an ALL-knowing, ALL- powerful, mountain moving, ocean separating,
turning water into wine, healer of all diseases, King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Father on our side! Oh Glory!

What is so valued to me is, Linny, (the mom) had posted a verse in connection with this precious treasure of a child, was the SAME verse the Lord gave me on October 11th as I sat in early morning prayer regarding adoption and God’s call on our lives.

He raised the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap,
to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people.
He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children.
Praise the Lord!” Psalm 113:7-9

I was so encouraged when I read this verse because I KNOW the Lord is speaking to me. I know He is confiding in me. I know He is reminding me that He has a plan!

God’s work is beautiful.
It is perfect.
It is precious.
It is true.
It is R.E.A.L.!

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."
Romans 12:1

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