Sunday, January 8, 2012

All About My Father's Business

"Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so the LORD,
the God of hosts, will be with you,
   as you have said. Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate;
it may be that the LORD, the God of hosts,

will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph." Amos 5:14-15


(So sorry MBM readers for posting this twice.
I didn't link it to the exact post, just the blog in general.
Still kinda new at all this.)

Here is an unbelievable update on
"Bread FOR Life"!

In the three weeks that I baked bread, set-up tables at several churches,
brought some to school to sell and did multiple mail orders…

want to know how much was raised?

A little over $2,200.00!

That is right!

3 weeks


Nothing is
too small
too big
for God when it comes to the orphan!
~ They are the apple of His eye! ~

Get ready Sanyu Babies' Home,
we have a blessing for you!

I can see God’s hand *ALL* over this precious little ministry and I have a feeling...
is about to take off.

Here is why I KNOW that "Bread FOR Life" is the Lord's work:
As I was baking all this bread in my sweet *little* (very little) kitchen,

I prayed to the Lord,

“Oh God, you know my heart. This is what I want to do for these precious little children.
I know you are well aware that baking in this kitchen is very small.
It’s not that I’m complaining it just comes with its challenges: lack of counter space,
no storage and many long hours on my feet with the oven on for OVER 12 hours at a time,
day after day. Yes these are small challenges but nevertheless,
you are so much bigger than this.
So I pray, Lord, will YOU raise up the right environment up for me
to continue to do this ministry, bake bread until I drop
and watch you MOVE mountains so this little loaf of bread
can feed *every* orphan in the world?”
(Oh Yes, we are praying BIG)

This was the prayer and cry of my heart in the month of December.


without a moment to lose, the Lord has provided it



A dear friend (Thank you Mrs. SBM) who rents a commercial kitchen called me,
laughing and giddy with excitement.
(*Praise God for brothers and sisters in the Lord who are also about their Father’s business!)

Here is what she was so excited over:
She offered me her commercial bakery kitchen from 8pm-5am;
She is helping me multiply my recipe to yield 20-40 per batch in HALF the baking time;
(Are you getting this?)
She donated 50lbs bag of flour;
She is hooking me up with vender's for supplies and ingredients;
And even said she will help *shrink-wrap* all my loaves!

Are you serious?????

Woo-hoo Jesus!
(Jumping up and down, singing and crying with excitement. Literally!)

She said her oven is a walk-in conventional oven that can bake up to

Woo-hoo Jesus!
(Jumping up and down, singing and crying with excitement. Literally!)

 I think the Lord has a plan for this sweet little ministry He created called
"Bread FOR Life"!

We have seen the conception and the first-fruits of this beautiful little fundraiser and now
I believe we will see the Lord demonstrate HIS power for HIS children.

Jesus does not *ask* us to care for the orphan,
He demands it.
(Heart stopping words by Katie Davis)

He will always make a way, provide for and bless the hearts of the obedient.
That's a PROMISE!

If you are interested in blessing this fundraiser
please do not hesitate to place orders for this great tasting, moist, and delicious,
Made with only the best of ingredients!

I can take orders as BIG as...


 I’m up for any challenge!

Here are some ideas...
Order bread for: Church events, staff meeting, blessing a family in need, conferences
weddings, pot lucks, BBQ’s, Sunday morning coffee tables, gifts, etc.
 Or just donate to bless the ministry! ;)

Just remember this:
Every loaf of bread you buy will go directly
to the ministry of the orphan in need.


Right now, our first mission is Sanyu Babie's Home.

God is my Father and I am all about HIS BUSINESS!!!

Are you with me?

And by the way, this bread freezes a.m.a.z.i.n.g!
So order big, freeze it and enjoy it at a later time.

To place an order, please email:
All shipping cost will need to be reimbursed to my family please :) ♥

"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good,
in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives." Titus 3:14


  1. This is so exciting Robin! God is good!!

  2. What a wonderful example of God's provision as you care for the orphans of the world. Thanks for sharing your MBM story... Renee

  3. God is good! We love Sanyu and all the treasures there.
